binary encoderWhen a malfunction occurs, phenomena such as: loud rotation noise, pin internal disconnection, wear of the resistor body (a basic type of component failure), burnout, and switch damage may occur.binary encoderIt can represent two states, i.e., on and off. This state can be realized by the level of potential. Computers are made up of various electronic components. One of the important components is semiconductor i.e. familiar diodes, transistors etc. Semiconductors can transmit and process information through its switching state. If other systems are used, it will make the computer more complicated to manufacture and process information. So any information entered into the computer must eventually be converted to binary. At present, the common is ASCII code. The most basic unit is a bit. rope displacement sensor in accordance with the readout mode encoder can be divided into contact and non-contact two kinds. Contact with the brush output, a brush contact conductive area or insulated area to indicate the state of the code is "1" or "0"; non-contact acceptance of the sensitive element is a photosensitive element or a magnetic element, the use of photosensitive elements to the light-transparent and opaque areas to indicate that the state of the code is "1" or "0"; non-contact acceptance of sensitive elements are photosensitive elements or magnetic elements, photosensitive elements with light-transparent and opaque areas to indicate that the state of the code is "1". The state of the code is "1" or "0". So what are the causes of these malfunctions?
Reasons for defective binary encoders
apparatus, and computer programs. The most common form of pixelated color displays at present is a color liquid crystal display. In this case, you can use a multimeter (purpose: to measure voltage, current, and resistance) to detect (check and test) as described above, and then you will notice that the pointer jumps.
How to repair a defective binary encoder?
For binary encoder with this fault, you can first use the cleaning method of troubleshooting, that is, using tweezers on the cotton ball dipped in anhydrous alcohol (termed ethanol), and then use the cotton ball near the rotor shaft, so that the alcohol is injected into the resistor body along the rotor shaft, and constantly rotate the rotor shaft until the noise disappears.
When the binary encoder pins are internally disconnected, there will be a phenomenon that the binary encoder does not work, i.e., there is no change in the current or voltage of the circuit when the rotary axis is rotated. For the volume binary encoder, there may be no sound failure, or volume off the phenomenon, when the multimeter detection (check and test) between the two fixed pins or fixed pins and sliding contacts between the pins of the resistance, the resistance value of infinity or close to infinity, it can be judged that the pin internal circuit breakage.
Carbon film resistor bodies can also burn out severely due to overcurrent and cause open circuits. Binary encoders that are open-circuited due to an internal break in the pin or a burnt-out resistor body are generally inconvenient to repair and are replaced.
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