Absolute Encoder MeasurementWhat are the methods? With a description of the methods
The resistance value meets the requirements. The contact between the center sliding end and the resistor body is good and the rotation is smooth. The single-turn absolute encoder measures the various lines of the optical code disk in rotation to obtain a unique code, and when the rotation exceeds 360 degrees, the code returns to the origin, which is not in line with the principle of absolute code uniqueness, and such encoder can only be used for measurement within the rotational range of 360 degrees, which is called the single-turn absolute encoder. For absolute encoders with switches, the switching part should be accurate, reliable and flexible. Therefore, the performance of absolute encoders must be inspected before use.
Here are some ways to measure absolute encoders:
1, the measurement of resistance: first of all, according to the size of the measured absolute value encoder resistance, choose a good multimeter suitable resistance gear, measure the resistance value, that is, the resistance value between the two end pieces of the AC, compared with the nominal resistance value, to see whether the two are consistent. At the same time, rotate the sliding contact, the value should be fixed. If the resistance value is infinite, this absolute value encoder has been damaged.
2, and then measure its center end and the contact of the resistor body (Condition), that is, between the two ends of the BC resistance value. Method is the multimeter ohm file in the appropriate range, measurement process, slowly rotate the shaft, pay attention to observe the multimeter readings, normal conditions, readings smoothly in one direction, if there is a jump, fall or not a phenomenon, indicating that the contact has poor contact failure.
3, when the center end slides to the first or end, the ideal state of the center end and the overlap end of the resistance value of 0, in the actual measurement, there will be a certain residual value, is a normal phenomenon. Multi-turn absolute encoder If you want to measure the rotation more than 360 degrees range, you need to use multi-turn absolute encoder. Encoder manufacturers in the single-turn encoding on the basis of an increase in the number of turns of the code, in order to expand the encoder's measurement range, such an absolute encoder is called multi-turn absolute encoder, which is also determined by the mechanical position of the code, the code of each position is unique and not repeated, without the need to memorize.
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